

contagious disease

  1. An infectious disease that is spread through contact with infected individuals; also called a communicable disease . Contact with the bodily secretions of such individuals, or with objects that they have contaminated, can also spread this kind of disease.

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In researching The Illustrious Dead, I was astonished to learn that Napoleon had a rather unique view of contagious disease.

If we were infected by every exposure to contagious disease the world would be depopulated.

Originating in Africa this contagious disease is believed to have been disseminated by the slave trade.

It seemed as if I had some contagious disease, from which every man shrunk with alarm, and left me to perish unassisted and alone.

She was feeling the fell blow of a contagious disease, which upsets every previously stable condition.

While not a contagious disease, it is said that a majority of men suffer from it at some period in life.



